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JO Workshop & Adult Tournament Directors Meetings

The annual JO Workshop & Adult Tournament Directors Meetings are coming this January!

As always, there will be one meeting on the Coast and one meeting in the Valley so that all leagues can attend! At each meeting we cover the same information so if you cannot make it to the one in your area, feel free to come to the other meeting. We hope to see a few representatives from each league attending the JO Workshop. We will go over important information including registrations, insurance and any changes that were made at our Annual Meeting in October (and there were changes!)

The Adult Tournament Directors meetings will be held during the JO Workshop also.

Click HERE  for the agenda, dates, times and locations! (PLEASE NOTE: Leagues do not need to attend the CCASA Staff Meeting at 10:00 am. That is for our Association Staff only. JO Workshop Meetings start at 12:00)

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